Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thoughts on today

Today, Thursday, was not very eventful. I don't even have any pictures from today! We had our "classroom classes" today, meaning we weren't out adventuring the streets of Rome, but rather sitting in the cool, air-conditioned conference room of the UW Rome Center. That is, until the power went out, shutting off the air-conditioning and leaving us to swelter in the muggy room full of students and computers.

Our classes today were based on two books we've read, Trickster Travels, which I have mentioned extensively, and A Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio. The second book is a short novel about all these people, so extreme in their quirks that they don't even seem real, who live in Piazza Vittorio, the main immigrant community in Rome. It was a short book, thankfully, and an easy read, but that classroom was so warm and full of burnt-out students that discussion lagged.

Other than class, we didn't do much. Lisa took us to a leather store where I might have found a present for my favorite sister (it's not a purse or a belt or anything, don't worry) and then we went grocery shopping, buying some bread, mozzarella, olive oil and wine. Very Italian groceries.

After class, we went home and I did my art history reading for tomorrow and proceeded to fall asleep. Those reading packets lull me to sleep every time.

All in all, that sums up my day. Pretty uneventful, like I said. I need to work on some projects for my other classes but I'm just not really motivated today. But tomorrow is a whirlwind and Saturday we'll be in Florence so I really should do something worthwhile. We'll see if that actually happens...

Anyways, to keep you entertained, here's some thoughts on my life:

1. I really like pizza bianca. It's basically this pizza dough-like bread with a little salt and olive oil and they use it a lot to make sandwiches.
2. I need to cut my bangs but I didn't bring any scissors to Rome.
3. I want my permanent retainers removed.
4. The nose pads fell off my sunglasses and it makes me sad. I keep them in a case and everything! But now they sit super close to my face which is weird. At least I brought three pairs of sunglasses on this trip!
5. I think the US should have a siesta.
6. I don't like how mustard smells.
7. When you order a cappuccino here, they give you a spoon for the foam so you don't have to let it go to waste. It's pretty logical.
8. I would hate to be a politician where you have to try to please the world with your decisions. It'd be much easier to be a dictator where you could just do what you want. Although I would have to have a pretty legit bodyguard system so I didn't get assassinated.
9. Nutella should be more prevalent in the US than it currently is.
10. The US should also sell the giant containers of Nutella. Currently, they only sell the 500g containers whereas here you can get the 750g version.
11. Airplanes should stop with the luggage restrictions.
12. People in Italy drive like crazy but never really hit anyone if they're going forward. However, they never actually look if they're backing up! Lisa has been hit multiple times by cars backing up. And today we saw a car back up into a girl on a scooter. The world doesn't revolve around you just because you are going in reverse!
13. I hate doing things when they don't have a point.
14. Going off #13, I hate it when people talk just for the sake of making noise. And don't have a point.
15. Pigeons are dirty.
16. I don't hate only spiders but pretty much bugs of any sort.
17. It would be cool if Italians had screens on their windows.
18. I wonder if my closet light is on.


  1. I'm really enjoying your blog, Kristin! Two things:
    -Nutella tends to dry out after the first time it is opened, so when we've bought the larger of the two sizes in the US, it becomes unspreadable before it runs out (though you may go through it faster than Gabe and Simon).
    -Did you know my dad has an AMAZING gelato shop? In Leavenworth! You should head over there once you are settled back in the states. It is very good--so good someone in Seaside, OR paid $100 for him to ship $50 worth of gelato for a Sweet 16 party. No joke!

  2. Hi Kristin - I enjoyed this blog, and find your observations quite interesting! We all have our lists of things that bug us, and I am sure mind is much different from yours!
    I have never tasted Nutella - must try it one of these days. I received an interesting Email today re. the standard gauge used for railroads in the US - 4' 5". This figure allegedly is t he result of ruts in vari9ous roads, and works it's way back to Roman roads which were built for chariots - to accommodate the two horses which pulled the chariots. So therefore, they were built for 2 horses asses.. I don't know how true this is, but I thought it was amusing so I am forwarding it to y our email address.

    L n K Nanny

  3. Surprising as it may be, you closet light is off, many bugs and all plants are cool and they will become dictators that rule the world one day and if you had a decent optometrist, he could have checked those nose pad screws before you is hard that way! I did notice in your descriptions of all the great gelato flavors, you didn't say "fantastic" once. Glad you are branching out with your descriptors!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your thoughts on gelato make my mouth water. I wish we had gelato locally. I am SURE I would like the cioccolata sounds heavenly!
