Saturday, July 10, 2010

Computer, don't melt!

It's HOT. All the time. And my computer gets so freakishly hot all the time that I feel bad for poor Robert and have to turn him off until he cools down again.

But seriously, it's hot. Even at midnight.

And sorry I haven't been blogging daily. A) I've been busy and B) I don't seem to have that much to say. Thursday was pretty uneventful. We had our classroom classes for basically the last time in Rome (this coming week is all final presentations). And the insalateria was closed so we had to go somewhere else for lunch that was definitely not as good. Other than that, we came home after class and worked for most of the afternoon.

Thursday night we did go get gelato, though, which was very fun. We ended up just sitting on the steps and talking for entirely too long because none of us wanted to get back to work. So I didn't get home until late and was tired all day Friday but it was a much more fun way to spend the night than writing papers.

Friday, I was tired, like I said. So I didn't enjoy our adventures as much as I might have. Plus, it was hot. And walking 30 minutes and standing for an hour is not fun when it's hot. We left early to go to Palazzo Barberini and stopped at the Trevi fountain along the way. We all threw three coins in so we could return to Rome soon!! Well, some of the guys only had one coin so instead of coming back here soon, they're apparently going to get married soon.

Anyways, we kept walking past the fountain and kept going to the Palazzo. It was basically a giant mansion that is state-run now but most of the inside was being renovated so we didn't get to see much. There were a lot of paintings and a very beautiful spiral staircase, though. I love spiral staircases. I want one in my house.

After the "short morning" there (that ended up being like 4 hours) we were walking back to Santa Maria sopra Minerva for a presentation on Galileo when our fearless leader, Lisa, decided she needed coffee. So we all got coffee! And then she almost forgot about Bennett's presentation.

But anyways, after coffee, we eventually made it to the church to hear about Galileo who was basically one of the coolest people ever. First of all, he loved math (obviously important) and he was the original guy to drop two balls off the Leaning Tower of Pisa and find out that they hit the ground at the same time. He was pretty much the founder of Physics 121, let's be real. But, during this presentation, I was mildly distracted by the pigeon lady. She rides around on her bike with tons of birdseed and feeds pigeons. So they all swarm around her and she happened to come very close to us and I really really really don't like pigeons. But she's just throwing food and they're landing on her and on her bike and she picked some up and it was just completely revolting. Pigeons are gross.

After that and some group meetings, the rest of Friday was ours! Unfortunately, we have all our final projects due next week so a lot to do. We worked for a while but eventually I gave up and took a nap. And, after dinner, we went down to the river to go to the night market there! It was packed with people. There were even little kids there at like midnight. But it was fun to get out of the apartment and do something more exciting than homework.

Today hasn't been super exciting, either. I got a present for Jake this morning though! It's fantastic. And, I found something for me and was very very excited about it. But, after my morning adventures, I had to come back to our apartment to the realization that my projects still aren't done. So I've been working on those. I'm finally at least making progress and I get to make powerpoints which I kind of love so things are looking up. Plus, I have all day tomorrow to work too.

I wish I had an exciting story to tell you all but these past few days have just been full of work! We have a potluck tonight with all the students to celebrate our LAST WEEKEND IN ROME which should be fun. I can't believe it's our last weekend! Time has gone so fast!

Roma, I will miss you.