Sunday, June 27, 2010

A day in the life

Well, I've been filling you in on the epicness of every packed day we've had so far. So, you might ask, what did I do with our very first free day in Rome? Peruse my photo journal of today!

Step 1: Wake up after SLEEPING IN until 8:45 (yeah, not that late, but it's when I woke up). After blogging and facebooking, get coffee!

Step 2: Head to the Rome Center to get some work done! Read some articles for art history and Trickster Travels. Trickster Travels is a required book for one of our classes and is a historical account of one guy from Africa in the 1500s. And it goes on FOREVER. You think you're almost done because it really doesn't make a point but then you find out you have 1200 pages to go. Well, not really, but it goes on for a long time. The main guy was Muslim and traveled all around Africa but then was captured by people and forced to become Christian and then wrote books about Africa for Europeans. Super exciting, right??

But really, did I read Trickster Travels? More accurately, I was on facebook. Let's be honest here. But since the time here is 9 hours ahead of the rest of my friends, there was no one to talk to online! So I had to get back to reading.

Step 3: Get lunch! Sandwiches today.

Mine had prosciutto and mozzarella, I think. But then again, this was hours ago so I'm not really sure. Regardless, it was a good break from reading. Except it was super hot outside today so we ended up just getting lunch and taking it back inside because we were melting outside.

Step 4: Work on my paper about the Pantheon..... "Work" might also entail uploading pictures to facebook...... But I that was important too so it is completely justified in my mind! I just need to review my editor's comments (thanks, Bennett!) and submit it and then I'm DONE with my first art history project! Which will be very exciting.

Actually, I'm just impressed that I've already written a legit research paper. I don't really write papers. I've written one in the past two years. So this is an accomplishment for me!

Step 5: Read Trickster Travels. "Read" begins to be used very loosely.

Working hard, obviously. But this book seriously goes on forever! And it was warm and sunny and it might have just put me to sleep. I even tried read sitting in an uncomfortable chair so I would stay awake. But this book, with its constant stream of names and places (the main guy is referred to by like 3 different names) just lulled me to sleep. We went home from the Rome Center soon after this and I tried to continue reading but I decided to lay on my bed to do this and I was asleep in about 10 minutes.

Step 6: Go out to dinner! Plumbers don't work Sunday either, so we still can't use our kitchen. We went to this cute little restaurant where I got a mysterious pasta/potato/cheese thing that came in a giant french onion soup bowl. It was delicious. And we got serenaded by the restaurant people. They found out we were from Washington (even though I think they thought we meant DC) and decided to sing us a "special" song. They sang New York, New York for us but put in "Washington" instead of "New York". It was basically fantastic.

Step 7: Get home from dinner. Oh, what to do with the rest of my Sunday night? Trickster Travels is calling my name.... I only have about 30 pages to go!

Overall, it was a good day, except for there was a lot of Trickster Travels mixed in there. I wouldn't suggest reading it.